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Decision Day DHS
DHS Mural
A photo of the DHS volleyball team
DHS Boys Soccer players
A group of DHS students receiving awards and special mentions
Photo of the robotics team
DHS Mentors at Academy Street


Working together as a community, our mission is to welcome all and provide opportunities for our students in a safe and accepting learning environment
to become creative, empathetic, resilient, and who choose to make an impact.

Current News

DHS After School Tutoring

Need help after school ?  We got you covered!  

After school tutoring is available on Tuesday - Thursday from 2:55pm- 3:25pm at the Media Center.  We offer tutoring in the following subjects:


English Language Arts

ESL (Tuesday and Thursday)


¿Necesitas ayuda después de la escuela? ¡Nosotros te ayudamos!

La tutoría después de la escuela está disponible de martes a jueves de 2:55 p. m. a 3:25 p. m. en el centro de medios. Ofrecemos tutoría en las siguientes materias:



ESL (martes y jueves)

Read More about DHS After School Tutoring

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